The Great Lakes Group


Website Improvements Go Live

The web­site of The Great Lakes Group went live in Novem­ber 2012. Near­ly a year and a half lat­er, major improve­ments have been made to the website.

A new infor­ma­tion archi­tec­ture as been imple­ment­ed in order to improve user expe­ri­ence and enhance aware­ness of the group of com­pa­nies’ diverse ser­vice offer­ings.  Other new fea­tures include a new blog for­mat to news posts; an improved gallery page with albums, videos, and doc­u­ment down­loads; and more user friend­ly con­tact means inte­grat­ed through­out the site.

The site is also ful­ly oper­a­ble on all mobile/smart phone and tablet devices.

The web­site was devel­oped and mod­i­fied by 12five9 LLC, a local web devel­op­ment & design firm in Cleve­land, OH.