The Great Lakes Group


US Geological Survey R/V KIYI Goes Back Into the Water

US Geo­log­i­cal Sur­vey R/V KIYI was put back into the water on Mon­day, Octo­ber 13, 2014 at Great Lakes Ship­yard using the 770-ton capac­i­ty Marine Trav­elift after com­plet­ing the fol­low­ing repairs:

  • Dry­dock­ing
  • Rou­tine Repairs & Maintenance
  • ABS Five-Year Sur­vey & Inspec­tion for Load Line
  • Clean & Paint Under­wa­ter Hull, Decks & Superstructure
  • Over­haul Main Engines & Generators
  • Main­te­nance of Propul­sion & Steer­ing Systems
  • Mod­i­fy Exhaust Stacks & Per­form Major Acoustic Modifications

This was the fourth time that KIYI was dry­docked at Great Lakes Ship­yard. In 2004 and 2009, KIYI was hauled out for a Five-Year Sur­vey and Inspec­tion. Then in 2010 Great Lakes Ship­yard installed a new anchor pocket.