The Great Lakes Group


Repair of the Year 2013

McKeil Marine Limited LEONARD M

Our suc­cess is mea­sured based on your suc­cess and con­fi­dence in us. That’s why when we received an out­stand­ing review from McK­eil Marine Lim­it­ed for an unplanned repair on the LEONARD M tug, we could­n’t be proud­er, and hap­pi­er of our work.

Before the year slips away alto­geth­er, I want­ed to rec­og­nize your yard and staff for their excel­lent work per­formed dur­ing the emer­gency dock­ing of the Leonard ear­li­er this year.

Hav­ing per­son­al­ly attend­ed this crit­i­cal repair, it was plea­sure to be work­ing with moti­vat­ed work­ers and man­agers alike.  To have peo­ple focused on the job and not the clock is unfor­tu­nate­ly a rare expe­ri­ence these days.

There were some long hours put in to get this job done, yet every­one at GLS from the project man­ag­er to stores/delivery dri­ver was in it till the end. To top off this suc­cess­ful repair was an invoice that was fair and rea­son­able in all regards.

When we have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to use the ser­vices of the Ship­yard, you will be our first choice!”

- Olous Boag, Vice Pres­i­dent, Projects & Engi­neer­ing, McK­eil Marine Limited

The Work

We hauled out the McK­eil Marine Lim­it­ed LEONARD M with our 700-MT Marine Trav­elift to:

  • Dry­dock
  • Remove Port Propeller
  • Repair Z‑drive Seals
  • Repair Z‑drive Hous­ing on Port and Starboard
  • Install New Pro­peller on Port Side
  • Repair the Super Structure

Thank you McK­eil Marine Lim­it­ed for a great project.


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