Publications, magazines and reports created by The Great Lakes Towing Company & Great Lakes Shipyard.
Great Lakes Gazette
Our monthly eNewsletter – featuring stories from The Great Lakes Towing Company & Great Lakes Shipyard.
The G Magazine
The G Magazine is the corporate magazine for customers, business partners and employees of the The Great Lakes Towing Company & Great Lakes Shipyard. It provides fascinating insight into the world of harbor assist, towing, maintenance and repairs and custom fabrication on the Great Lakes. The magazine is published monthly.
Corporate Overview
Learn more about The Great Lakes Group, a full-service marine transportation organization made up of a “Group” of diversified marine-related companies operating on the Great Lakes. The Group includes: The Great Lakes Towing Company and Great Lakes Shipyard, Tugz International LLC, and Soo Linehandling Services, Inc.
Order Book
View all of the new construction, repair, and custom fabrication contracts awarded to and projects completed by the Great Lakes Shipyard.
Explore all of the essential services provided by The Great Lakes Towing Company & Great Lakes Shipyard. We invite you to download our brochures and learn more about our world-class facility, state-of-the-art equipment, unmatched services and talented employees.