The Great Lakes Group

Rates & Conditions

The Great Lakes Towing Company

There is a choice of towing companies on the Great Lakes; however, there are substantial additional benefits and operational savings that can be realized when using The Great Lakes Towing Company’s services.  Caution must be exercised in making any simplistic comparison of quoted rates between The Towing Company and its competitors in any select port since “one‑port” rates alone are not a true reflection of actual “bottom‑line” costs for harbor towing, ancillary and emergency services, and ice-breaking on a lakes‑wide “multi‑port” basis.  The Towing Company offers lakes-wide comprehensive harbor assist services with readily available “round-the-clock” tugs and crews, with back-up capabilities.  The Company’s record of timely performance and safety is unmatched in the industry, and this saves vessel operators substantial time and money.  The Company is dedicated to offering the best tug service at the lowest possible cost in both the high-volume and, particularly, in the low-volume ports not serviced by any other company.  Contract and Non-contract Rates are both available; however, maximum savings in towing rates can be achieved by participation in the Full‑Service Lakes‑Wide Contract.  Details and information regarding Contract and Non-contract Rates can be obtained by contacting our Operations Department.

Applicability of the Schedule of Contract Rates & Conditions

This Schedule of Contract Rates & Conditions is only applicable to holders of a FULL SERVICE LAKES‑WIDE (FSLW) HARBOR ASSIST & TOWING CONTRACT.  To be eligible for the FSLW Harbor Assist & Towing Contract, an Owner, Operator, Charterer, Manager, or Agent must execute a FSLW Harbor Assist &Towing Contract for towing services with the Towing Company.

Request the Contract and Schedule of Rates & Conditions

* indicates required

Other Towing Services Available

The Great Lakes Towing Company’s Schedule of Rates & Conditions covers vessel harbor assistance, including icebreaking and ancillary ser­vices such as rescue and assistance to disabled, grounded or damaged vessels and barges.  Capabilities also include harbor towing of every type of floating structure from port to port anywhere on the Lakes, barge towing within harbors, and through‑cargo barge movements whose origin or destination may be other than a Great Lakes port, such as a movement of heavy‑lift cargo from a Great Lakes port, down the Mississippi River system, to a Gulf port, as well as oil and hazardous material spill response services.