The Great Lakes Group

Barge Construction

The Great Lakes Ship­yard staff will work close­ly with you to deliv­er the per­fect solu­tion to meet your spe­cif­ic needs. Whether it’s a sim­ple or a com­plex design, our expe­ri­enced engi­neers, con­struc­tion team and ABS cer­ti­fied welders will deliv­er it on time. Our state-of-the-art Great Lakes Ship­yard facil­i­ty is deliv­er­ing a full line of barges to meet the needs of the marine indus­try. These tough barges come stan­dard or cus­tom designed to fit your spe­cif­ic appli­ca­tion and can be deliv­ered any­where in the world. Whether it’s a deck barge, hop­per barge, pinnable truck­able parts, or any cus­tom barge, we have the per­fect mod­el that can be deliv­ered any­where, when you need it.

Great Lakes Ship­yard has joined togeth­er with some of the indus­try’s industry’s lead­ing inno­va­tors to pro­vide an unmatched part­ner­ship team. Great Lakes Ship­yard has formed agree­ments with Castle­man Mar­itime LLCDamen, and Jensen Mar­itime Con­sul­tants. These part­ner­ship has devel­oped a fleet of work­boats and barges that cov­er the full range of prod­ucts to meet your exact needs.    Please inquire below for fur­ther information.

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