The Great Lakes Group

New Construction

Expe­ri­enced in small to medi­um size ocean-going, lake and riv­er ves­sel and barge con­struc­tion, the Ship­yard can meet the most chal­leng­ing design and con­struc­tion require­ments in a time­ly and effec­tive man­ner. We build a vari­ety of top qual­i­ty ves­sels in steel and alu­minum and lead in inno­v­a­tive marine tech­nolo­gies. We can build to a customer’s plans or can pro­vide a cus­tom design. In con­junc­tion with major naval archi­tects, we have devel­oped unique spe­cial pur­pose designs. The well-known “Z‑Class tugs were designed and built for our fleet and were one of the ear­li­est ASD’s intro­duced into the U.S. mar­ket. The lat­est design, the “Handy­Size” class tugs are ide­al for mul­ti-pur­pose use and have been com­pet­i­tive in both the domes­tic and inter­na­tion­al markets.

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