The Great Lakes Group

Maritime News




2020-12 Marine Link Great Lakes Group: Ven­er­a­ble & Versatile
2020-12 Work­Boat Great Lakes Tow­ing Chris­tens Two New Tugs
2020-10 Riv­iera Great Lakes renews ice-break­ing tug fleet with green propulsion
2020-09 Bunkerspot Amer­i­c­as: Great Lakes Tow­ing Com­pa­ny Pres­i­dent Fore­casts ‘Bright Future’ for Hybrid Tugs
2019-09 Marine Log CEO Spot­light: Joe Star­ck, Pres­i­dent of The Great Lakes Tow­ing Company
2019-07 Tug, Tech­nol­o­gy, and Business Great Lakes cel­e­brates with tug­boat new­build­ing campaign
2019-07 Tow­ing­line The Great Lakes Tow­ing Com­pa­ny Cel­e­brates 120 Year Anniver­sary with Chris­ten­ing of New Tug MICHIGAN
2019-07 Marine Log Great Lakes Tow­ing chris­tens third Damen-designed tug in series
2019-07 Marine Log Eight Great Lakes Tow­ing tugs get Sub M certificates
2019-07 The Water­ways Journal Great Lakes Tow­ing Fleet Issued Sub­chap­ter M Inspec­tion Certificates
2019-07 Marine Link Great Lakes Region Cre­ates 132K+ Mar­itime Jobs
2019-07 Amer­i­can Mar­itime Partnership Domes­tic Mar­itime Indus­try Cre­ates 13,850 Jobs, $3.2 Bil­lion in Eco­nom­ic Growth for Ohio
2019-07 Design Engi­neer­ing Mak­ing Waves:
St. Catharines-based engi­neer­ing firm ensures tug­boats’ pow­er sys­tems nav­i­gate the Great Lakes safely
2019-06 The
Plain Dealer
Nation­al Muse­um of the Great Lakes chris­tens old and new tug boats named Ohio
2019-06 Tole­do Blade New tug­boat Ohio chris­tened at Nation­al Muse­um of Great Lakes
2019-06 Marine Link Muse­um Adds Tug OHIO to Exhibit
2018-09 The
Plain Dealer
Nation­al Muse­um of the Great Lakes adds tug­boat to Toledo
2018-09 Tole­do
Tole­do muse­um to add tug­boat to its float­ing exhibit
2018-09 Sen­tinel-Tri­bune Nation­al Muse­um of the Great Lakes acquires sec­ond museum
2018-08 Work­boat Great Lakes Tow­ing takes deliv­ery of Damen-designed tug
2018-07 Great Lakes Sea­way Review Keep­ing it Nim­ble and Simple
2018-07 Work­boat Great Lakes Tow­ing part­ners with Michi­gan port
2018-07 The
Mon­roe News
Port of Mon­roe signs accord for tow­ing services
2018-06 MarineLink Great Lakes Group Announces New Man­age­ment Hires
2018-01 The Mar­itime Executive Great Lakes Tow­ing Com­pa­ny & Great Lakes Ship­yard are
Hir­ing for 100 Positions
2017-12 MarineLink Best Work­boats of 2017
2017-11 Work­boat Work­Boat names its Boat of the Year
2017-10 Work­boat Work­Boat names its Sig­nif­i­cant Boats of 2017
2017-09 Mar­itime Journal Deliv­ery Round-Up
2017-07 Work­boat First ship assist for new Sub M tug
2017-06 MarineLink Geo Gradel Tug and Barge Enter Drydock
2017-04 Work­boat Great Lakes Tow­ing selects ABS for Sub­chap­ter M services
2017-02 Tug Tech­nol­o­gy & Business Great Lakes wins tug and barge repair contracts
2017-02 Mar­ket­place Repairs keep Great Lakes ship­ping indus­try work­ing through
2017-01 WBFO
What hap­pens when Great Lakes ship­ping sea­son ends?
2016-06 MarineLink Gov’t Offi­cials Tour Great Lakes Shipyard
2016-04 The
Plain Dealer
Great Lakes Tow­ing, ship­yard could expand onto 10 acres of
Cleve­land water­front land
2015-10 MarineLink Dou­ble Mile­stone for Great Lakes Shipyard
2015-09 City of Cleveland Great Lakes Tow­ing Makes Cleve­land His­to­ry with Inter­modal “Short Sea” Barge Move at the Port of Cleveland
2015-04 Marine
Great Lakes Ship­yard to build two USACE work barges
2015-04 Pro­fes­sion­al Mariner Great Lakes Ship­yard gets dry-dock­ing con­tract for Miller
2015-04 Pro­fes­sion­al Mariner Great Lakes Tow­ing, Great Lakes Ship­yard announce two new
2015-04 Pro­fes­sion­al Mariner Great Lakes Ship­yard gets Corps barge contract
2015-04 Marine
Great Lakes Ship­yard dry­docks Miller Boat Line ferry
2015-04 Pro­fes­sion­al Mariner Great Lakes Tow­ing helps refloat bulk carrier
2015-01 Marine
Great Lakes Ship­yard to dry­dock four for Corps
2015-01 Crain’s Cleve­land Business Ship­yard gets tug, barge repair contract
2015-01 Pro­fes­sion­al Mariner Great Lakes Tow­ing names two new directors
2015-01 Pro­fes­sion­al Mariner Great Lakes Ship­yard gets four-ves­sel repair con­tract from
Army Corps
2015-01 MarineLink Great Lakes Tow­ing Announces Two New Hires
2015-01 The
Plain Dealer
Ship­yard gets tug, barge repair contract
2015-01 MarineLink USACE Barges, Tugs Up for Repair
2014-11 The Mar­itime Executive Great Lakes Ship­yard Award­ed Cruise Ship Dry­dock­ing Contract
2014-11 The Mar­itime Executive Video: Nau­ti­ca Queen hauled out at Great Lakes Shipyard
2014-11 MarineLink Cruise Ves­sel Dry­docked at Great Lakes Shipyard
2014-11 Work­boat Video: Nau­ti­ca Queen hauled out at Great Lakes Shipyard
2014-11 The
Plain Dealer
Local Busi­ness Briefs: Ship­yard gets contract
2014-10 The Mar­itime Executive Great Lakes Ship­yard to Build Two New Tugs
2014-09 Pro­fes­sion­al Mariner R/V Kiyi returns to Great Lakes Ship­yard for dry-docking
2014-09 Star
Longest ship on Great Lakes freed after run­ning aground off
2014-09 The
Plain Dealer
Local Busi­ness Briefs:
Great Lakes Ship­yard to build tugs for NY Power
2014-08 The
Plain Dealer
Local Busi­ness Briefs: Ship­yard gets dock­ing contract
2014-08 Green Bay Press Gazette Lake freighters ply the waters with pow­er and grace
2014-08 Pro­fes­sion­al Mariner Great Lakes Tow­ing works against con­di­tions and clock to
refloat freighter
2014-07 The Mar­itime Executive Great Lakes Tow­ing and Ship­yard Cel­e­brate 116th Year
2014-07 Pro­fes­sion­al Mariner Great Lakes Tow­ing and Ship­yard cel­e­brat­ing 116th year
2014-07 Mar­itime
Glob­al News
Great Lakes Tow­ing Hosts Net­work­ing Event
2014-07 The Mar­itime Executive Great Lakes Tow­ing Hosts Net­work­ing Event
2014-07 Marine
The Tow­ing Com­pa­ny cel­e­brates its 116th year
2014-07 MarineLink Great Lakes Tow­ing Com­pa­ny Hosts WIRE-Net Net­work­ing Event
2014-06 Marine
Great Lakes Ship­yard autho­rized to build Damen designs
2014-06 The Mar­itime Executive Great Lakes Ship­yard Gains Damen License
2014-06 Dredg­ing
Great Lakes Ship­yard Signs Five-Year Part­ner­ship with Damen
2014-06 Pro­fes­sion­al Mariner Great Lakes Ship­yard now licensed builder for Damen
2014-06 MarineLink Great Lakes Ship­yard Now a Damen Licensed Builder
2014-06 The
Plain Dealer
Local Busi­ness Briefs: Ship­yard now licensed builder for
2014-06 World
Mar­itime News
Damen Designs to Be Built at Great Lakes Shipyard
2014-01 The Mar­itime Executive Win­ter Work Kicks Off at Great Lakes Shipyard
2013-11 The Mar­itime Executive Miller Boat Line’s Fer­ry M/V South Bass at Great Lakes
2013-10 The Mar­itime Executive Great Lakes Ship­yard Replaces Propul­sion on USCG Cutter
2013-10 Gcap­tain Tall Ship US Brig NIAGARA at Great Lakes Dry­dock­ing and
2013-10 The Mar­itime Executive U.S. Brig Nia­gara Arrives At Great Lakes Shipyard
2013-07 The
Plain Dealer
Great Lakes Tow­ing Co. and Great Lakes Ship­yard honored:
Busi­ness notebook
2013-05 The Mar­itime Executive USCG Cut­ter Neah Bay Hauled Out at Great Lakes
2013-04 The Mar­itime Executive Great Lakes Ship­yard Launch­es First Tug of Seacor’s Aura
2013-03 The Mar­itime Executive Great Lakes Ship­yard Com­pletes Win­ter Work on ATB DORTHY ANN
2012-08 The Mar­itime Executive Great Lakes Ship­yard and The Great Lakes Tow­ing Company
Joint­ly Com­plete Pitts­burgh Tank Contract
2012-07 The Mar­itime Executive Great Lakes Ship­yard Com­pletes Repair Con­tract for Ohio
Depart­ment of Nat­ur­al Resources
2012-05 The Mar­itime Executive Ves­sel Nam­ing Cer­e­mo­ny for Tug­boat HANDY-THREE
2012-03 The Mar­itime Executive Wood Fram­ing Replaced on US Brig NIAGARA
2012-03 Work­boat Pelee Islander to under­go repairs at Great Lakes Shipyard
2012-03 Gcap­tain MARAD Awards Near­ly $10 Mil­lion in Grants to Small Shipyards
2012-01 Work­boat Great Lakes deliv­ers work­boat to Port of Milwaukee
2012-01 Work­boat Rolls-Royce to upgrade Inter­lake tug Dorothy Ann
2012-01 The Mar­itime Executive Rolls-Royce to Upgrade Inter­lakes Tug Dorothy Ann
2012-01 The Mar­itime Executive Great Lakes Ship­yard Deliv­ers Com­plet­ed Work Boat for Port
of Milwaukee
2011-11 Gcap­tain World’s Third Largest Boat Hoist Delivered
2011-10 Work­boat Great Lakes begins work on Mil­wau­kee workboat
2011-09 Gcap­tain Great Lakes Ship­yards Lands Tug Con­struc­tion Contracts
2011-09 The
Plain Dealer
Grand old war­ship sails into Cleve­land for a tuneup
2011-08 The
Plain Dealer
U.S. Geo­log­i­cal Sur­vey chris­tens two new Great Lakes
research vessels
2011-08 The Mar­itime Executive Ves­sel Ded­i­ca­tion and Deliv­ery Cer­e­mo­ny of USGSs R/V KAHO
2011-08 The Mar­itime Executive Great Lakes Tow­ing Chris­tens New 770-ton Marine Travelift
2010-11 The Mar­itime Executive Employ­ment Peak­ing at Great Lakes Shipyards
2008-07 The
Plain Dealer
Cleve­land boat­builder ship­ping first tug to for­eign buyer