The Great Lakes Group

Charter, Sale, & Purchase

The Great Lakes Group offers a wide range of mar­itime ser­vices for all types of ves­sels and barges along with any oth­er projects in a vari­ety of sec­tors through­out the industry.

Whether it is a char­ter, sale, or pur­chase, the Com­pa­ny man­ages entire ship­ping oper­a­tions from ves­sel and barge acqui­si­tion to crew­ing and voy­age plan­ning to project completion.

New builds con­struct­ed by com­pa­ny affil­i­ate Great Lakes Ship­yard are avail­able under both pur­chase or lease options.

The Company’s equip­ment is also avail­able for sale on a bare­boat, time, or voy­age char­ter basis.

The Com­pa­ny is also inter­est­ed in joint ven­tures or any oth­er marine projects.