The Great Lakes Group



The core of The Great Lakes Group is its peo­ple, both afloat and ashore. Our peo­ple, work­ing as a team, are trained and skilled in the busi­ness of marine trans­porta­tion, ship­build­ing, fab­ri­ca­tion, and repair. The suc­cess of our Group depends on the abil­i­ty and will­ing­ness of our peo­ple to pro­vide our cus­tomers with the most cour­te­ous and pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices with par­tic­u­lar atten­tion to qual­i­ty, safe­ty, and the envi­ron­ment. Our goal is to attract and retain the best peo­ple avail­able. Some of our employ­ees have worked for the Group for even three or four generations.

Our com­mit­ment is reflect­ed in our excel­lent com­pen­sa­tion and ben­e­fits pack­age that includes health­care, den­tal, vision, short-term and long term dis­abil­i­ty insur­ance, employ­ee assis­tance pro­gram, 401(k) prof­it shar­ing plan, vaca­tion time, sick time, com­pa­ny paid hol­i­days and a friend­ly work­ing environment.

To be part of our team means to be part of our fam­i­ly and its 120+ year cor­po­rate his­to­ry and to be will­ing to look and work for a bet­ter future. 

Current Open Positions

Download the Application

Employ­ment Appli­ca­tion Form

Employ­ment Appli­ca­tion Addendum

Submit Your Application & Resume

Can­di­dates must be able to pass a back­ground check, chem­i­cal test­ing, and E‑Verify autho­riza­tion. If you meet the min­i­mum work envi­ron­ment and essen­tial require­ments for each job and are look­ing for a com­pa­ny to make your home, com­plete the appro­pri­ate appli­ca­tion and sub­mit to the human resources depart­ment by one of the meth­ods below.

Apply Online

Upload PDF file of cov­er let­ter and resume with salary require­ments here:

Are you a US cit­i­zen? U.S. cit­i­zen­ship is required for this posi­tion.(Required)

Accept­ed file types: pdf, Max. file size: 1 MB.
Accept­ed file types: pdf, Max. file size: 1 MB.
Accept­ed file types: pdf, Max. file size: 1 MB.

Apply by Mail

Sub­mit cov­er let­ter and resume with salary require­ments to:

Attn: Human Resources
The Great Lakes Tow­ing Com­pa­ny
4500 Divi­sion Avenue
Cleve­land, OH 44102


Wan­da Red­dy, Human Resources Man­ag­er
Phone:  216–367-8139
Fax:  216–621-7616

Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action, & M/F/D/V

The Com­pa­ny is proud to be an Equal Employ­ment Oppor­tu­ni­ty (EEO); Affir­ma­tive Action (AA); and minor­i­ty, female, dis­abil­i­ty, and vet­er­an-friend­ly employ­er (M/F/D/V).  Our com­mit­ment to equal­i­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ty sup­ports the con­tin­ued growth and vital­i­ty of our Com­pa­ny.  We believe that the diver­si­ty of our work­force is advan­ta­geous to both our com­pa­ny and our com­mu­ni­ty and pro­vides us with a broad spec­trum of ideas which enhance our effi­cien­cy, pro­duc­tion, prod­ucts and services.

The Department of Defense — Fraud, Waste or Abuse

What to Report to the DoD Hotline:

Issues relat­ed to fraud, waste, abuse, and mis­man­age­ment regard­ing pro­grams and per­son­nel under the purview of the U.S. Depart­ment of Defense that DO NOT involve reprisals or clas­si­fied infor­ma­tion. Exam­ples of these types of vio­la­tions include:

  • Threats to home­land security 
  • Health and safe­ty issues 
  • Traf­fick­ing in persons 
  • Improp­er mil­i­tary men­tal health evaluations 
  • Leaks of clas­si­fied information 
  • Bribery and accep­tance of gratuities 
  • Coun­ter­feit or sub­stan­dard parts 
  • Whistle­blow­er Reprisals 
  • Con­flicts of interest 
  • Con­tract and pro­cure­ment fraud 
  • Com­put­er crimes 
  • Health care fraud 
  • Trav­el or pur­chase card fraud
  • Cost/labor mis­charg­ing

How to Report to the DoD Hotline:

Online Fraud, Waste or Abuse Com­plaint Form

Oth­er Sub­mit­tal Methods:

If you need help sub­mit­ting a com­plaint, please view our Fre­quent­ly Asked Ques­tions or call the DoD Hot­line at 1–800-424‑9098 for assistance.


The Department of Defense — Whistleblower Program

What is a Whistleblower Reprisal Complaint?

Reprisal hap­pens when a man­age­ment offi­cial takes (or, under cer­tain statutes, threat­ens to take) an unfa­vor­able per­son­nel action against an indi­vid­ual, or with­holds (or, under cer­tain statutes, threat­ens to with­hold) a favor­able per­son­nel action, because that indi­vid­ual made or was thought to have made a pro­tect­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tion or dis­clo­sure. A com­plaint of reprisal must meet three cer­tain conditions:

  • Was there a pro­tect­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tion or disclosure?
  • Did the respon­si­ble man­age­ment offi­cial have knowl­edge of the pro­tect­ed communication/disclosure OR did the respon­si­ble man­age­ment official(s) believe a spe­cif­ic indi­vid­ual made a pro­tect­ed communication/disclosure, even if they did not?
  • Was an unfa­vor­able action tak­en (or, under some statutes, threat­ened), or was a pos­i­tive action with­held (or, under some statutes, threat­ened to be withheld)?

Read more about the require­ments of these con­di­tions.

How to Report to the DoD Hotline:

Whether an unfa­vor­able action was tak­en or threat­ened, or a favor­able action with­held or threat­ened to be with­held, is fact-depen­dent and eval­u­at­ed on a case-by-case basis.  Have doc­u­men­ta­tion for each per­son­nel action avail­able to sub­mit, if avail­able.  You are encour­aged to read the applic­a­ble def­i­n­i­tions and fil­ing require­ments spe­cif­ic to your employ­ee sta­tus for more details. For help with fil­ing your spe­cif­ic com­plaint, refer to the fol­low­ing guides cre­at­ed to assist you.  Click on the appro­pri­ate link below to down­load the guide for your par­tic­u­lar status:

If your cir­cum­stances meet all basic con­di­tions, your com­plaint may meet the cri­te­ria for inves­ti­ga­tion. If you wish to pro­ceed with a reprisal com­plaint, select the but­ton below.

Online Whistle­blow­er Reprisal Com­plaint Form


If your cir­cum­stances do not meet all THREE con­di­tions, then your com­plaint may be more appro­pri­ate­ly addressed as a Hot­line com­plaint; please select the but­ton below.

Oth­er Sub­mit­tal Methods:

If you need help sub­mit­ting a com­plaint, please view our Fre­quent­ly Asked Ques­tions or call the DoD Hot­line at 1–800-424‑9098 for assistance.
