The Great Lakes Group

Layup & Winter Work

Great Lakes Ship­yard is ready and able to accept win­ter work projects for upcom­ing off sea­sons.  Their facil­i­ty is locat­ed on 16 acres in the Old Riv­er Chan­nel on the Cuya­hoga Riv­er in Cleve­land, Ohio with water front dock­age of approx­i­mate­ly 2,000 lin­eal feet with an addi­tion­al 3,800 lin­eal feet of avail­able water front dock­age on the Cuya­hoga Riv­er prox­i­mate to the Ship­yard.  The Ship­yard is expe­ri­enced in a vari­ety of top side work, off site projects, repow­ers, etc.

Download the Shipyard Brochure