Rates & Conditions
A Word of Caution About Shipyard Rates
Great Lakes Shipyard’s services offer substantial additional benefits and operational savings compared to other shipyards. Simplistic rate comparisons between Great Lakes Shipyard and its competitors must be avoided, as rates alone do not reflect actual “bottom-line” costs for services. The Shipyard provides comprehensive services with readily available “round-the-clock” crews and backup capabilities. The Company’s success is anchored in timely performance and unmatched safety standards, resulting in significant time and cost savings for customers. The Company dedicates itself to providing the best shipyard services at the lowest possible cost.
Other Shipyard Services Available
Great Lakes Shipyard’s Schedule of Rates, Terms, & Conditions covers new build and repairs services and all potential services provided. Capabilities include drydocking/undocking, crane services and other weight handling equipment, technical consulting, off-site labor, etc.