The Great Lakes Group

Truckable workboats & barges

Great Lakes Ship­yard has found a niche in the barge-build­ing mar­ket, spe­cial­iz­ing in the fab­ri­ca­tion of small truck­able work­boats and barge units that can be cou­pled togeth­er to expand to any desired size. We expand­ed our oper­a­tions to the con­struc­tion of “truck­able” over-the-road sized inter­lock­ing barges and plat­form units which per­mit expand­abil­i­ty. The units are ide­al for inland lakes and remote loca­tions and are mar­ket­ed com­mer­cial­ly and for U.S. and over­seas gov­ern­ments. The” truck­able” units can be of sim­ple design or quite com­plex rang­ing from pas­sen­ger – truck fer­ries to rail pon­toons and crane and spud barges

The truck­able barges are gen­er­al­ly used for marine con­struc­tion projects and mari­na plat­forms. These units are typ­i­cal­ly 40′L x 10′W x 4′H and weigh about 20,000 pounds. They are nor­mal­ly fab­ri­cat­ed of heav­i­ly rein­forced ¼” steel plate. Two units can be loaded onto one flatbed truck and can be deliv­ered almost any­where. Once the units reach their des­ti­na­tion, they are placed in the water and pinned togeth­er to form a plat­form large enough to sup­port what­ev­er load is required – load­ing equip­ment; cranes; bridge con­struc­tion equip­ment, etc.

Great Lakes Ship­yard also pro­duces both a sin­gle-screw and twin-screw truck­able work boat with push knees, and col­lapsi­ble pilothouse.