The Great Lakes Group


The First 75-Feet of the Whiskey Island Floating Breakwater

The Great Lakes Group - Whiskey Island Floating Breakwater

Since late August, we have been fab­ri­cat­ing the all-new float­ing break­wa­ter for Whiskey Island Mari­na. Two 150’ long steel cylin­dri­cal mod­ules will be bolt­ed togeth­er to cre­ate a 300′ long float­ing break­wa­ter that will be anchored to the bot­tom of Lake Erie in front of the mari­na.  The 10-foot diam­e­ter break­wa­ter will be used for wake atten­u­a­tion, to pro­tect the boats and docks in the mari­na basin from heavy weath­er. The project will be com­plet­ed by mid-November.

Our team has enjoyed work­ing on this cus­tom project for Whiskey Island Mari­na. We have been inter­view­ing our engi­neers and crafts­man through­out the project, includ­ing our Project Engi­neer, Jon Lei­vo and Weld­ing & Fit­ting Lea­d­er­man, Tim Grimes. More inter­views are forth­com­ing; but, in the mean­time, enjoy some pho­tos and videos of our work so far.



