The Great Lakes Group


American Tugboat Review 2014: Top 15 Tugs

In the annu­al spe­cial issue, Amer­i­can Tug­boat Review, Pro­fes­sion­al Mariner high­light­ed the “top 15 tugs,” for 2014 includ­ing an ASD tug built at Great Lakes Shipyard.

In antic­i­pa­tion of growth at the Port of Lake Charles, LA., a mus­cu­lar new ASD tug, ATLAS, joined Con­dor and Ener­gy ZEUS in Seab­ulk Tow­ing’s Lake Charles fleet in late sum­mer of 2013. The 92-foot tug was designed by Jensen Mar­itime of Seat­tle and built at Great Lakes Ship­yard in Cleve­land, Ohio.”

- Bri­an Gau­vin, Pro­fes­sion­al Mariner