The Great Lakes Group


Great Lakes Shipyard Awarded Drydocking Contract for Miller Boat Line Ferry WILLIAM MARKET

Regular customer, Miller Boat Line, awarded Great Lakes Shipyard a contract to complete the 5-Year US Coast Guard Inspection and main engine repowering for Ferry WILLIAM MARKET. The work is scheduled to be completed by February 2016.

Previously, Great Lakes Shipyard completed unscheduled work and the 5-Year US Coast Guard Inspection for Miller Boat Line M/V ISLANDER in May 2014 and most recently drydocking and maintenance for M/V PUT-IN-BAY in April 2015. The entire Miller Boat Line ferry fleet has been drydocked at Great Lakes Shipyard, however this is the first time that M/V WILLIAM MARKET has been hauled out using the 770-ton capacity Marine Travelift at Great Lakes Shipyard.