The Great Lakes Group


US Brig NIAGARA in for Drydocking & Repairs at Great Lakes Shipyard

The US Brig NIAGARA, Erie, Pennsylvania’s Flag­ship, arrived at Great Lakes Ship­yard for rou­tine dry­dock­ing and repairs. The ves­sel was hauled out using the Marine Trav­elift on Octo­ber 10, 2016, and work on the ves­sel will be com­plet­ed in approx­i­mate­ly three (3) weeks.

This marks the sec­ond time Great Lakes Ship­yard has hauled out the US Brig NIAGARA using its Marine Trav­elift. This project is anoth­er exam­ple that demon­strates the diver­si­ty of Great Lakes Shipyard’s capa­bil­i­ties and expe­ri­ence on wood, steel and alu­minum ves­sels. From hydraulic and pneu­mat­ic sys­tems to mechan­i­cal and machine shop ser­vices, Great Lakes Ship­yard has been per­form­ing these ser­vices through­out its 117-year history.

Owned and main­tained by the PA His­tor­i­cal and Muse­um Com­mis­sion, an agency of the Com­mon­wealth of Penn­syl­va­nia, the Flag­ship NIAGARA is a recon­struc­tion of Com­modore Oliv­er Haz­ard Perry’s ship that led the Bat­tle of Lake Erie vic­to­ry on Sep­tem­ber 10, 1813. As a sail­ing school ves­sel under U.S. Coast Guard inspec­tion, the Nia­gara is required to be inspect­ed out of the water twice in a five-year peri­od, with no inspec­tion inter­val exceed­ing three years. The Nia­gara’s last such inspec­tion was in the fall of 2013 at Great Lakes Shipyard.