The Great Lakes Group


Kelleys Island Ferry Boat Line Ferry CARLEE EMILY at Great Lakes Shipyard for 5‑Year Drydocking

Great Lakes Ship­yard was award­ed a dry­dock­ing con­tract by Kel­leys Island Fer­ry Boat Line for the M/V CARLEE EMILY. Main­te­nance work includes 5‑year dry­dock­ing, Unit­ed States Coast Guard (USCG) inspec­tion and sur­veys as well as mis­cel­la­neous rou­tine repairs. The fer­ry was hauled out using the 770-MT Mobile Marine Trav­elift on April 10, 2017. Work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed lat­er this month, allow­ing the fer­ry to return to ser­vice as soon as possible.

This is the sec­ond time that the M/V CARLEE EMILY was dry­docked at Great Lakes Ship­yard and the fifth dry­dock­ing for Kel­leys Island Fer­ry Boat Line. Oth­er Kel­leys Island ves­sels dry­docked at the Ship­yard include M/V KAYLA MARIE and JULIET ALICIA.