The Great Lakes Group


Company Acknowledges Employee Recognition Program Awardees

The Company has recently developed an Employee Recognition Program (ERP) is to publicly recognize employees who have demonstrated any of the following:

  • outstanding job performance
  • contributed to the Company’s betterment
  • performed exemplary community service
  • increased company-wide employee motivation, job satisfaction, and encouragement
  • increasing productivity and promoting continuous improvement.

Annually, employees are recognized in each of three areas:

  • Towing Personnel
  • Shipyard Personnel
  • Operations/Administration/Office Personnel

Additionally, a Chairman’s Award is awarded to one standout employee when special recognition as the “Employee of the Year” is deemed appropriate.

Towards the end of every year, employees submit nominations for fellow co-workers to be considered for an award.

This year’s recipients are as follows:

  • Towing Personnel – Dan Gallagher, Soo Linehandling Lead Linehandler
  • Shipyard Personnel – Juan Cano, Electrician
  • Operations/Administrative/Office Personnal – Wanda Reddy, Human Resources Manager
  • Chairman’s Award – John Immerfall, Tugman, Chicago

Congratulations to all awardees! We thank you for your hard work and dedication to the Company!

The following video shows the Official Seal of The Great Lakes Towing Company, dating back to the Company’s incorporation in 1899, being used to validate the 2020 Employee Recognition Program certificates.