The Great Lakes Group


Shipyard to Fabricate New Floating Breakwater for Whiskey Island

Great Lakes Ship­yard has been award­ed a con­tract by Whiskey Island Mari­na to fab­ri­cate a new float­ing breakwater.

The Ship­yard will fab­ri­cate two (2) 150’ long steel cylin­dri­cal mod­ules that will be bolt­ed togeth­er and anchored in the lake bot­tom in front of the mari­na. The project is to be com­plet­ed by mid-November.

The 10-foot diam­e­ter break­wa­ter is used for wake atten­u­a­tion to pro­tect the boats and docks in the mari­na basin from heavy weath­er and is bal­last­ed to the 6.5’ waterline.

The Ship­yard built a sim­i­lar float­ing break­wa­ter for Perry’s Land­ing Mari­na, Erie PA in 2010. That project involved the assem­bly of five (5) 40’ x 5’ wide x 8’ sec­tions, bal­last­ed to the 4.5’ waterline.
