The Great Lakes Group


Great Lakes Shipyard Performs Emergency Repairs on USCG Aids to Navigation Barge

Unit­ed States Coast Guard Cut­ter MOBILE BAY of Stur­geon Bay, Wis­con­sin depart­ed Great Lakes Ship­yard, Cleve­land, Ohio after com­ple­tion of dry­dock­ing and repairs to the bow thruster on it 120-foot Aids to Nav­i­ga­tion Barge.  The barge was hauled out on Mon­day, Sep­tem­ber 17th using the Shipyard’s 770-ton Marine Travelift.

The ship­yard imme­di­ate­ly removed the bow thruster and dis­as­sem­bled it in the shop for repairs.  Upon com­ple­tion, the unit was rein­stalled and test­ed, and the tug and barge depart­ed just three (3) days lat­er, on Thurs­day, Sep­tem­ber 20th.

The USCGC MOBILE BAY is one of the nine (9) cut­ters in the Coast Guard’s fleet of “Bay Class” ice­break­ing tugs.  In addi­tion to ice break­ing and buoy tend­ing, its oth­er ser­vices include Mar­itime Law Enforce­ment, Search and Res­cue, Envi­ron­men­tal Pol­lu­tion Response, and Home­land Security.