The Great Lakes Group


Freighters are Delivering Great News for the Local Economy

Grain and steel are mak­ing for a ban­ner year at the Port of Tole­do. Hun­dreds of ships have brought in and tak­en out mil­lions of tons of car­go and that is excel­lent news for the local econ­o­my. You may not think much about it when you see freighters on the Maumee Riv­er or out on Lake Erie, but ship­ping is big busi­ness in our region and busi­ness is up dou­ble dig­its this year. The Maumee Riv­er is a good indi­ca­tor of the eco­nom­ic health of our region and this year the ship­ping lanes have been busy.” — WTVG-TV ABC 13

The Great Lakes Tow­ing Com­pa­ny Tugs NEBRASKA and NEW JERSEY assist­ed M/V FEDERAL SCHELDE in the Port of Toledo.

Source: WTVG-TV ABC 13