The Great Lakes Group


Great Lakes Shipyard Awarded New Construction Contract for Two New Work Barges by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Great Lakes Ship­yard has been award­ed a new con­struc­tion con­tract by the Unit­ed States Army Corps of Engi­neers (USACE) Rock Island Dis­trict for two (2) 38-foot work barges. The two new steel work barges will be used by USACE Rock Island Dis­trict as a work­ing plat­form to per­form main­te­nance and inspec­tions of Lock and Dam 11 & 14 on the Upper Mis­sis­sip­pi Riv­er. The dimen­sions of the barges will be 38-foot long by 14-foot wide by 3‑foot deep. The stern of the ves­sel will include a tran­som for mount­ing an out­board motor to pow­er the ves­sel. Work will com­mence imme­di­ate­ly and pro­ceed until com­plet­ed in Novem­ber 2015.

Great Lakes Ship­yard fab­ri­cat­ed and deliv­ered work barges of the same design for Unit­ed States Army Corps of Engi­neers (USACE) Rock Island Dis­trict Lock and Dam 16 & 18 in 2010.