The Great Lakes Group


Winter Work Kicks Off at Great Lakes Shipyard

The start of the win­ter layup sea­son at Great Lakes Ship­yard is marked by the arrival of Andrie and Inland Lakes Management’s SS ALPENA. The lak­er will remain berthed in the yard for planned repairs and rou­tine main­te­nance, as well as var­i­ous inspec­tions and mis­cel­la­neous renewals. Oth­er win­ter layup, repair and con­struc­tion work sched­uled for this win­ter includes:

  • McK­eil Marine Tug SHARON M1: Dry­dock and repairs
  • Dann Marine Tug CALUSA COAST: Dry­dock and repairs
  • Herr Fish­ery: Steel fab­ri­ca­tion of 40-foot trap net boat

Recent com­plet­ed main­te­nance and repair work includes:

  • Miller Boat Line Fer­ry M/V ISLANDER: 5‑Year USCG dry­dock, inspec­tion and repairs and cleaning/painting of bal­last tanks
  • GOODTIME III: 5‑Year USCG dry­dock, inspec­tion and repairs
  • McK­eil Marine Barge HURON SPIRIT: Emer­gency Steel Repair
  • Amer­i­can Steamship Com­pa­ny M/V H. LEE WHITE: Minor weld repairs in car­go tank