The Great Lakes Group


Meet Rebecca Teitelbaum, Engineering Intern



  • Age: 18
  • Home­town: Syra­cuse, New York
  • Res­i­dence: Cur­rent­ly, Cleve­land, Ohio; when at school, Glen Cove, New York
  • Hob­bies: Read­ing, mar­tial arts/boxing, bak­ing, sail­ing, and skiing.
  • Expe­ri­ence in the Mar­itime Indus­try: 1 year
  • Pas­sion for Mar­itime: “I grew up on the water and have done sail­ing on Lake Ontario. I just fell in love with sail­ing and the ocean, and find­ing a dis­ci­pline that allowed me to incor­po­rate it was incredible.”


Aca­d­e­m­ic Insti­tu­tion: Webb Insti­tute
Degree: Freshman

So far, she has com­plet­ed one Semes­ter at Webb Insti­tute.  Pri­or to attend­ing Webb, Rebec­ca attend­ed Jamesville-Dewitt High School in the sub­urbs of Syra­cuse. While, there she par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Project Lead the Way pro­gram which offered a series of engi­neer­ing class­es includ­ing Draw­ing and Design for Pro­duc­tion, Com­put­er Inte­grat­ed Man­u­fac­tur­ing, Prin­ci­ples of Engi­neer­ing, and Engi­neer­ing Design and Devel­op­ment.  Most of these pro­vid­ed cred­its through Rochester Insti­tute of Technology.


Com­pa­ny: Great Lakes Shipyard
Title: Engi­neer­ing Intern
Tenure: Jan­u­ary — March 2019


Rebec­ca is becom­ing a very well-round­ed engi­neer and has already estab­lished quite a depth of edu­ca­tion­al and pro­fes­sion­al expe­ri­ences.  Some of these include:

  • Pro­duc­tion draw­ing and design
  • Com­put­er Inte­grat­ed Manufacturing
  • Prin­ci­ples of Engineering
  • Engi­neer­ing Design and Development
  • Ves­sel construction/maintenance work 
    • sand­ing
    • paint­ing
    • weld­ing
    • etc.

I decid­ed to pur­sue Naval Archi­tec­ture because I knew I want­ed to go into an engi­neer­ing dis­ci­pline, and I loved sail­ing! I went on two dif­fer­ent five-week voy­ages, one was a 1,000 nau­ti­cal mile jour­ney through the Caribbean, and the oth­er was on the Bar­que Pic­ton Cas­tle in the North Atlantic around Que­bec, New­found­land, and Nova Scotia.”


Each year at Webb, the fresh­man class is pro­vid­ed with a list of spaces for their Win­ter Work Term, which is to take place in a ship­yard. Great Lakes Ship­yard quick­ly became my top choice for its loca­tion and the work that it does. Being from Syra­cuse, I was real­ly look­ing for a loca­tion that would get snow. Hav­ing a prop­er win­ter was impor­tant to me. I also real­ly liked that GLS does a com­bi­na­tion of projects, both repair and new build, for mid­size to larg­er ves­sels. I knew that it would pro­vide me with a vari­ety of expe­ri­ences and learn­ing opportunities.”

After this win­ter, Rebec­ca return to Webb for a cou­ple more years of school and a vari­ety of oth­er intern­ship oppor­tu­ni­ties. She is plan­ning to grad­u­ate in 2022.