The Great Lakes Group


USGS R/V KIYI Hauled out at Shipyard for Repower and Repair Work Contract

The U.S. Geo­log­i­cal Sur­vey (USGS)‘s Research Ves­sel KIYI is at Great Lakes Ship­yard for a major repow­er and repair con­tract. Work includes:

  • Dry­dock, pres­sure wash hull, hull inspections
  • Paint under­wa­ter hull, top­side, decks, and superstructure
  • ABS load line survey
  • Ground tack­le inspec­tion and preservation
  • Inspect rud­ders pro­pellers, and propul­sion shaft
  • Repow­er engines
  • Replace HVAC
  • Replace trawl winches
  • Install new small boat
  • Replace misc wet lab items
  • Replace pilot­house win­dows and wipers
  • Misc elec­tri­cal upgrades and modification

The ves­sel was hauled out and dry­docked a few weeks ago. Work began on some of the small­er work items, and sys­tems have been dis­as­sem­bled in prepa­ra­tion for the repower.

As the cold weath­er approach­es, the ves­sel was moved in to the yard’s fab­ri­ca­tion build­ing where the remain­der of work will be performed.