The Great Lakes Group


Towing Company Tugs Assist Grounded Freighter

Two tugs of The Great Lakes Tow­ing Com­pa­ny helped free the HARVEST SPIRIT, which ran aground in the Liv­ingston Chan­nel on the Detroit Riv­er near Grosse Ile ear­ly Wednes­day morn­ing. The ves­sel was freed late Thurs­day evening. The ship­ping chan­nel is now open to traf­fic, as of ear­ly Fri­day morning.

The Tow­ing Company’s Tugs NEBRASKA and WYOMING, along with three (3) oth­er tugs, worked togeth­er to help free the ves­sel. Once freed, the ves­sel was tak­en just south of the Detroit Riv­er Light where it remains at anchor. The U.S. Coast Guard report­ed that there were no injuries, no dam­age to the ves­sel, and no pollution.

The Great Lakes Tow­ing Company’s Full Ser­vice Lakes-Wide Tow­ing Con­tract offers lakes-wide com­pre­hen­sive tow­ing ser­vice with read­i­ly avail­able “round-the-clock” tugs and crews. In addi­tion to har­bor ser­vices, The Com­pa­ny pro­vides emer­gency assis­tance to ves­sels that are wrecked, dis­abled, or in dis­tress on the Great Lakes. No claim for sal­vage under the mar­itime laws is made by the Tow­ing Com­pa­ny for emer­gency ser­vices pro­vid­ed under the Company’s Contract.

Oth­er local and mar­itime indus­try news pub­li­ca­tions have cov­ered this inci­dent. More infor­ma­tion can be found in the fol­low­ing The Detroit News arti­cle: Ship­ping gets mov­ing again after freighter cleared from Detroit Riv­er.

Pho­tos cred­it­ed to The Detroit News.