The Great Lakes Group


Great Lakes Shipyard and The Great Lakes Towing Company Jointly Complete Pittsburgh Tank Contract

Pitts­burgh Tank Cor­po­ra­tion of Monon­ga­hela, Penn­syl­va­nia award­ed Great Lakes Ship­yard a con­tract in May 2012 to con­struct mul­ti­ple lime slur­ry tanks and stor­age silos. The project was com­plet­ed by the Ship­yard in late July.

The Great Lakes Tow­ing Com­pa­ny was then award­ed a tow­ing con­tract by Pitts­burgh Tank Cor­po­ra­tion to trans­port the con­struct­ed tanks to a project loca­tion in Essexville, Michi­gan. The Tow­ing Company’s tug OHIO is cur­rent­ly under­way trans­port­ing the tanks by barges from Great Lakes Ship­yard in Cleve­land, Ohio to Essexville.