The Great Lakes Group


Shipyard Completes Winter Work on S/S ALPENA

Alpena - Courtesy of Frank Frisk

Inland Lakes Management’s S/S ALPENA recent­ly depart­ed Great Lakes Ship­yard, Cleve­land, Ohio, upon com­ple­tion of the vessel’s win­ter work projects. The Ship­yard per­formed a vari­ety of work on the ves­sel dur­ing its layup peri­od which con­sist­ed of basic repairs and oth­er gen­er­al main­te­nance items.

The S/S ALPENA is the sec­ond of three lak­ers to com­plete win­ter work at Great Lakes Ship­yard this sea­son. Inter­lake Steamship Company’s ATB DORTHY ANN and PATHFINDER was the first, depart­ing last week­end, and Amer­i­can Steamship Company’s AMERICAN COURAGE is cur­rent­ly wrap­ping up its sea­son­al projects.