The Great Lakes Group


Shipyard Completes Winter Work on AMERICAN COURAGE

DRN-2406The AMERICAN COURAGE of Amer­i­can Steamship Com­pa­ny depart­ed Cleve­land Sat­ur­day, March 23 after two months of lay-up at Great Lakes Ship­yard. The Ship­yard was con­tract­ed by Amer­i­can Steamship to per­form win­ter work ser­vices on their ves­sel. Such work includ­ed mis­cel­la­neous steel work, gen­er­a­tor main­te­nance, main dri­ve unit main­te­nance, and oth­er var­i­ous repairs and main­te­nance.  The AMERICAN COURAGE is the last of three lak­ers to com­plete their win­ter work at Great Lakes Ship­yard this sea­son. Inter­lake Steamship Company’s ATB DORTHY ANN and PATHFINDER was the first, and Inland Lakes Management’s S/S ALPENA was the sec­ond; both depart­ed in ear­ly March.