The Great Lakes Group


Shipyard Replaces Main Propulsion Controls on USCG Cutter MOBILE BAY

Great Lakes Ship­yard is com­plet­ing the replace­ment of the main propul­sion con­trol sys­tem on the Unit­ed States Coast Guard Cut­ter MOBILE BAY.

This work marks the final instal­la­tion under a five-year con­tract with the USCG’s Engi­neer­ing Logis­tics Cen­ter, Bal­ti­more, MD. This con­tract includ­ed instal­la­tion of new main propul­sion con­trol sys­tems for the entire fleet of nine 140-foot Bay Class of Ice Break­ing tugs.

The Shipyard’s mobile ves­sel crew is con­duct­ing the work on-site in Stur­geon Bay, Wis­con­sin and is to be com­plet­ed in ear­ly October.