The Great Lakes Group


Captain Phillips


A Year to Remember

As we start to close out our 114th year at The Great Lakes Tow­ing Com­pa­ny and Great Lakes Ship­yard and pre­pare for our 115th year in 2014, we are con­tin­u­al­ly remind­ed that our suc­cess is mea­sured based on the suc­cess of our cus­tomers and their con­fi­dence in us.

We can­not thank you enough for your  sup­port through­out the years. As an expres­sion of our grat­i­tude, we host­ed a pri­vate screen­ing of the film Cap­tain Phillips here in Cleve­land, at the his­toric Capi­tol The­atre on Thurs­day, Octo­ber 24th. Below are a few pho­tos from the event.

As you may know, Cap­tain Phillips is a film about the 2009 hijack­ing of the U.S. con­tain­er ship MAERSK ALABAMA by a crew of Soma­li pirates. The film focus­es on the rela­tion­ship between the Alabama’s com­mand­ing offi­cer, Cap­tain Richard Phillips (two time Acad­e­my Award®-winner Tom Han­ks), and the Soma­li pirate cap­tain, Muse (Barkhad Abdi), who takes him hostage.  Phillips and Muse are set on an unstop­pable col­li­sion course when Muse and his crew tar­get Phillips’ unarmed ship; in the ensu­ing stand­off, 145 miles off the Soma­li coast, both men will find them­selves at the mer­cy of forces beyond their control.

For those of you that were unable to attend, we hope that you will be able to vis­it us at the ship­yard in 2014. Thank you all for an incred­i­ble 2013; we look for­ward to work­ing with you in 2014.