The Great Lakes Group


Miller’s Ferry, SOUTH BASS, at Shipyard for a “Shave and a Haircut”

Miller Boat Line’s fer­ry, M/V SOUTH BASS, is receiv­ing its rou­tine five-year dry­dock­ing and USCG inspec­tion at Great Lakes Ship­yard. The ves­sel was hauled out using the Marine Trav­elift, and the work on the ves­sel will be com­plet­ed in two to three weeks.

This marks the first time Great Lakes Ship­yard has per­formed work on the M/V SOUTH BASS. Since 2010, repairs have been per­formed on all of the oth­er fer­ries in the Miller Boat Line fleet, includ­ing rou­tine five-year dry­dock­ings and inspec­tions of the M/V ISLANDER and M/V WILLIAM MARKET as well as the 2010 fab­ri­ca­tion and instal­la­tion of a 40-foot mid-body exten­sion, main engine repow­er, and steer­ing sys­tem upgrades on the M/V PUT-IN-BAY.
