The Great Lakes Group


Ryba Marine Tug KATHY LYNN at Shipyard for Drydocking and Repairs

Great Lakes Ship­yard is per­form­ing rou­tine dry­dock­ing and repairs on Ryba Marine Construction’s Tug KATHY LYNN.  Work con­sists of under­wa­ter hull clean­ing and inspec­tions, propul­sion sys­tem inspec­tion and repairs, and oth­er var­i­ous rou­tine main­te­nance and repairs.

The Tug was accom­pa­nied by the Ryba Scow 919.  The pair will remain berthed in the yard for win­ter lay-up.

Ryba Marine Con­struc­tion Co. is a Cheboy­gan, Michi­gan-based com­pa­ny spe­cial­iz­ing in a broad range of heavy civ­il marine con­struc­tion services.

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