The Great Lakes Group


USCG Cutter BISCAYNE BAY Hauled Out at Great Lakes Shipyard


Great Lakes Ship­yard hauled out the Unit­ed States Coast Guard Cut­ter BISCAYNE BAY using its 770-ton capac­i­ty Trav­elift. The repair con­tract that start­ed on May 7, 2014, includes dry­dock­ing and rou­tine main­te­nance such as:

  • Hull Plat­ing and Ultra­son­ic Testing
  • Appendages and Leak Test
  • Shaft Seal Assem­bly and Overhaul
  • Rud­der Assem­bly, Remove, Inspect and Reinstall
  • Anchor Wind­lass, Lev­el 2 Inspect and Repair
  • Ver­ti­cal Cap­stan, Lev­el 2 Inspect and Repair
  • Propul­sion Shaft­ing, Remove, Inspect, and Reinstall
  • And Oth­er Var­i­ous Clean­ing, Inspec­tions, and Repairs

This is the sec­ond of the USCG’s six (6) Great Lakes sta­tioned 140-foot Bay Class ice break­ing tugs to be dry­docked using Great Lakes Shipyard’s new Marine Trav­elift. The Shipyard’s Trav­elift has also been used to lift one of the 150-foot Buoy Barges pushed by the Bay Class Tugs, and the USCGC BUCKTHORN, sta­tioned in Sault Ste. Marie, Michi­gan. The Trav­elift is the largest on the Great Lakes in the Unit­ed States and Cana­da, sec­ond largest in the West­ern Hemi­sphere, and third largest in the world. It was specif­i­cal­ly designed and sized for Great Lakes Ship­yard to accom­mo­date the Bay Class Coast Guard Cut­ters and oth­er ves­sels. Work on the BISCAYNE BAY is to be com­plet­ed by late July. Great Lakes Ship­yard is a full-ser­vice yard spe­cial­iz­ing in new con­struc­tion, fab­ri­ca­tion, and repairs of all types of ves­sels and barges.


Joseph P. Star­ck, Jr.
Great Lakes Shipyard
Tel: 216–367-8126