The Great Lakes Group


Winter Work Update: USACE Tug CHERAW, Tug DONLON and Deck Barges

At the end of Jan­u­ary, Great Lakes Ship­yard hauled out two (2) tugs and two (2) barges for the Unit­ed States Army Corps of Engi­neers (USACE) Buf­fa­lo Dis­trict. Dry­dock­ing, main­te­nance and repairs for the 109-foot Tug CHERAW and 53-foot Tug DONLON, and the 120-foot Deck Barges BD-6259 and BC-6472 are going as planned. Work includes under­wa­ter hull clean­ing and main­te­nance, as well as inspec­tion and test­ing of propul­sion sys­tems; over­haul of sea valves and shaft bear­ings and assem­blies; and oth­er rou­tine clean­ing, inspec­tions, main­te­nance and repairs. In addi­tion, the scope of work includes major over­hauls of the propul­sion engines, fend­er­ing replace­ments, and major steel renewals.

Photo Gallery: Drydocking & Repairs on Tug CHERAW & Tug DONLON

Photo Gallery: Repairs & Maintenance on Deck Barges

Video: Haul Out

Photo Gallery: Haul Out