The Great Lakes Group


Great Lakes Shipyard Awarded Drydocking Contract for Miller Boat Line’s M/V Put-In-Bay

Great Lakes Ship­yard has been award­ed a dry­dock­ing con­tract for Miller Boat Line’s M/V Put-In-Bay. The fer­ry was hauled out using the 770-ton capac­i­ty Marine Trav­elift at Great Lakes Ship­yard. The repair con­tract includes Dry­dock­ing, Inspec­tion & Repairs, Hull Clean­ing, and Mis­cel­la­neous Fab­ri­ca­tion & Steel Repairs.

This is the first dry­dock­ing for M/V Put-In-Bay at Great Lakes Ship­yard since Spring 2010, when Great Lakes Ship­yard com­plet­ed recon­struc­tion work includ­ing fab­ri­ca­tion and instal­la­tion of a 40-foot mid-body exten­sion and main engine repow­er­ing. The mid-body exten­sion of the Put-in-Bay increased the length of the ves­sel from 96-feet to 136-feet over­all and near­ly dou­bled its car­ry­ing capac­i­ty. The project also includ­ed the instal­la­tion of new rud­ders, a new steer­ing sys­tem, new main engine keel cool­ing sys­tem, gen­er­a­tor over­hauls, and new propellers.

Miller Boat Line’s fleet includes three (3) addi­tion­al all-steel passenger/vehicle fer­ries, each approx­i­mate­ly 96-feet in length, which run on Lake Erie from Cataw­ba to the islands of Put-in-Bay (South Bass Island) and Mid­dle Bass Island, Ohio.