The Great Lakes Group


Great Lakes Shipyard Awarded Drydocking Contract for USCG Cutter KATMAI BAY

Unit­ed States Coast Guard Cut­ter KATMAI BAY (WTGB-101), home­port­ed in Sault Sainte Marie, Michi­gan, arrived at Great Lakes Ship­yard, Cleve­land, Ohio, for dry­dock­ing, inspec­tion, main­te­nance, and repairs on July 8, 2015. The con­tract includes hull, propul­sion and steer­ing sys­tem inspec­tions, as well as steel repairs, hull clean­ing and paint­ing. The 140-foot Bay-class Ice­break­ing Tug was hauled out on Mon­day, July 13 using the Shipyard’s 770-ton Marine Trav­elift – the largest on the Great Lakes.

Unit mis­sions for KATMAI BAY include Ice­break­ing, Home­land Secu­ri­ty Patrols, Light House Projects, Law Enforce­ment, and Pub­lic Affairs. The USCGC KATMAI BAY serves through­out the entire Great Lakes system.

This is the third USCG ice­break­ing tug to be hauled-out using the Marine Trav­elift at Great Lakes Ship­yard. The Trav­elift sys­tem is extreme­ly effi­cient and allows the Ship­yard to accom­plish more work, on big­ger ves­sels, in a bet­ter man­ner. Great Lakes Ship­yard has per­formed work aboard all of the USCG’s Bay Class Ice Break­ers, includ­ing the fleet- instal­la­tion of new Avtron Main Propul­sion Con­trol Sys­tems at the cut­ter home­ports. The KATMAI BAY received its MPC sys­tem instal­la­tion at it’s home­pi­er in Sault Sainte Marie, Michi­gan in 2012.