The Great Lakes Group


Great Lakes Shipyard Awarded Drydocking Contract for Ryba Marine Barges & Tug

Great Lakes Ship­yard was award­ed a dry­dock­ing con­tract for Ryba Marine Dump Scow GL‑5 (170’ x 41’ x 15’) and GL‑6 (170’ x 41’ x 15’) and Tug THOMAS R. MORRISH. The main­te­nance and repairs that include dry­dock­ing and major steel repairs will be com­plet­ed by May 2016.

Most recent­ly, Great Lakes Ship­yard com­plet­ed a dry­dock­ing con­tract for Ryba Marine Tug KATHY LYNN in in April and Octo­ber 2015 as well as Barge OBE185 in April 2015. Ryba Marine is a reg­u­lar cus­tomer of Great Lakes Shipyard.