The Great Lakes Group


Great Lakes Waterways Conference 2016

The Great Lakes Tow­ing Com­pa­ny & Great Lakes Ship­yard attend­ed and spon­sored the 2016 Great Lakes Water­ways Con­fer­ence on Feb­ru­ary 9th and 10th in Cleve­land, Ohio.


The Tow­ing Com­pa­ny joined fel­low mar­itime indus­try lead­ers to dis­cuss the industry’s most press­ing chal­lenges while explor­ing its most excit­ing future opportunities.

The Great Lakes Water­ways Con­fer­ence involves all seg­ments of the mar­itime com­mu­ni­ty in impor­tant delib­er­a­tions and ses­sions aimed specif­i­cal­ly at the Great Lakes region.


Left to Right:

Mar­tial Savard, Busi­ness Devel­op­ment Direc­tor, Tech­sol Marine Inc.
& Gra­ham Gajew­s­ki, Naval Archi­tect, Great Lakes Shipyard

The Com­pa­ny met with lead­ers from the Unit­ed States Coast Guard, the Cana­di­an Coast Guard, Trans­port Cana­da, the U.S. Army Corps of Engi­neers, the U.S. Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion, the Nation­al Oceano­graph­ic and Atmos­pher­ic Admin­is­tra­tion and oth­er gov­ern­men­tal orga­ni­za­tions as well as part­ners from many of the Great Lakes Port Authorities.

We look for­ward to attend­ing the 2017 Great Lakes Water­ways Con­fer­ence to con­tin­ue our shared efforts in sus­tain­ing a healthy and pros­per­ous Great Lakes mar­itime industry.