The Great Lakes Group


Great Lakes Shipyard Completes Drydocking for Huffman Equipment Deck Barge

Great Lakes Ship­yard was award­ed a dry­dock­ing con­tract by Huff­man Equip­ment for load line renew­al of Huffman’s 135’ x 35’ deck barge No. 975 in mid-August 2016. The barge was hauled out using the Shipyard’s 770-ton capac­i­ty Marine Trav­elift on August 15, 2016 for ABS surveys.

Main­te­nance and repairs includ­ed rou­tine dry­dock­ing, steel repairs, clean­ing and paint­ing. Work was com­plet­ed mid-Sep­tem­ber 2016.

Dry­dock­ing of oth­er Huff­man barges is expect­ed lat­er this fall.