The Great Lakes Group


Closing Dates for Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway Navigation Season

As dates for the closing of various locks are being published, mariners are reminded that there is always a possibility that severe climatic conditions may occur during the closing period. Should this happen, there is a chance that the dates outlined below, for the Montreal-Lake Ontario Section or the Welland Canal, may change.

Montreal-Lake Ontario Section

  • The Corporations have decided to waive the operational surcharges on Wednesday-Saturday, December 21-24.
  • Any transit of the Montreal-Lake Ontario section of the Seaway after 23:59 hours, Saturday, December 24, if permitted, will be subject to prior written agreement. Arrangements are to be made at our St. Lambert office.
  • Irrespective of operating conditions, all vessels must be clear of the Montreal-Lake Ontario section at 12:00 hours on Saturday, December 31.

Welland Canal

  • The Welland Canal will remain open until 23:59 hours on Monday, December 26.
  • Any transits of the Welland Canal after 23:59 hours, Monday, December 26, if permitted, will be subject to prior written agreement. Arrangements are to be made at our St. Catharines office.
  • Irrespective of operating conditions, all vessels must be clear of the Welland Canal at 12:00 hours on Saturday, December 31.

Sault Ste. Marie Locks and Canal (U.S.)

Closing of the Sault Ste. Marie Locks is currently scheduled for Sunday, January 15, 2017. Please note the Notice to Navigation Interests released by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for further information.

Source: The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation   November 28, 2016