The Great Lakes Group



Essential Job Duties

  • Lays out and fab­ri­cates met­al struc­tur­al parts, such as plates, bulk­heads, and frames, and braces them in posi­tion with­in hull of ship for weld­ing: Lays out posi­tion of parts on met­al, work­ing from blue­prints or tem­plates and using scribe and hand tools
  • Per­form oxy­fu­el /Plasma, machine cut­ting with hand torch­es, saws and grinders
  • Locates and marks ref­er­ence lines, such as cen­ter, ref­er­ence work, but­tock, and frame lines
  • Posi­tions parts in hull of ship
  • Aligns /prepares parts in rela­tion to each oth­er, using jacks, turn­buck­les, clips, grinders, wedges, and mauls
  • Marks loca­tion of holes to be drilled and installs tem­po­rary fas­ten­ers to hold part in place for welding
  • Installs pack­ing, gas­kets, lin­ers, and struc­tur­al acces­sories and mem­bers, such as doors, hatch­es, brack­ets, and clips uses hand tools to loosen /tighten and remove /replace bolt­ed parts
  • May tack weld clips and brack­ets in place pri­or to per­ma­nent welding
  • May roll, bend, flange, cut, and shape plates, beams, and oth­er heavy met­al parts, using shop machin­ery, and jigs
  • Per­forms prop­er safe rig­ging to move plates and parts to work areas


Job Requirements

  • Abil­i­ty to read, inter­pret, and work from Marine blue­prints, job spec­i­fi­ca­tions, instruc­tion man­u­als, manufacturer’s hand­books, change orders, and con­tract specifications
  • Must under­stand met­ric to stan­dard and stan­dard to met­ric con­ver­sions. Deter­mines dimen­sions and tol­er­ances of fin­ished work piece, sequence of oper­a­tions, and set-up requirements
  • Must have knowl­edge of equip­ment, work process­es and tech­niques used for accept­able ship fitting
  • Must have at least 3 years of expe­ri­ence as a shipfitter
  • Com­ply with all Com­pa­ny Safe­ty Rules


Work Environment Requirements

  • Wear Per­son­al Pro­tec­tive Equip­ment (PPE) appro­pri­ate to cur­rent or dai­ly job duties
  • Be fit for a respirator
  • Car­ry up to 50 pounds
  • Con­stant­ly climb stairs and lad­ders on dai­ly basis
  • Access con­fined spaces
  • Stoop, bend, twist, kneel, lay, crouch and/or crawl
  • Endure noise, fumes, dust and inclement weather
  • Coor­di­nate eye-hand move­ment; reach constantly
  • Use hands and fin­gers ful­ly; reach for, manip­u­late and feel objects
  • Work over­time and week­ends as need­ed to meet pro­duc­tion demands


Introductory Period & Training

The first nine­ty (90) days of employ­ment will be an intro­duc­to­ry peri­od includ­ing on the job train­ing. Suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of the intro­duc­to­ry peri­od is required for con­tin­ued employment.


Apply Online

Upload cov­er let­ter and resume with salary require­ments here:

    First Name*

    Last Name*

    Email Address*

    Phone Num­ber*

    Are you a U.S. cit­i­zen? Please note, U.S. cit­i­zen­ship is required for this position* 



    Cov­er Letter 



    *Required fields.


    Apply by Mail

    Sub­mit cov­er let­ter and resume with salary require­ments to:

    Attn: Human Resources
    The Great Lakes Tow­ing Company
    4500 Divi­sion Avenue
    Cleve­land, OH 44102



    Can­di­dates must be able to pass back­ground check and have E‑verify authorization.

    The Great Lakes Group is an Affir­ma­tive Action, Equal Employ­ment Oppor­tu­ni­ty Employ­er; M/F/V/D.