The Great Lakes Group


Shipyard Welder & Pipefitter


Uti­lize weld­ing and ship fit­ting skills to fab­ri­cate and weld mate­r­i­al in a ship­yard and ship­board environment.


Duties & Responsibilities

Can­di­dates must have the abil­i­ty to weld and per­form struc­tur­al fit­ting in order to per­form the essen­tial job duties with or with­out rea­son­able accom­mo­da­tion and with­out pos­ing a direct threat to safe­ty or health of employ­ee or oth­ers.  Must be knowl­edge­able in flux core and shield­ed met­al ARC weld­ing. Must have pri­or outfitting/fabricating expe­ri­ence. Must be able to read and under­stand blue prints. The abil­i­ty to work with and fit steel plate from 3/16 and heav­ier, set up and lay out, bend­ing light & heavy met­al and under­stand all fab­ri­cat­ing machines such as brake, sheer, roll and oth­ers.  The capa­bil­i­ty to take on tasks with min­i­mal supervision.

Must cur­rent­ly hold a High school diplo­ma or equiv­a­lent and pri­or AWS cer­ti­fi­ca­tion.  Can­di­dates must be able to pass back­ground check and have E‑verify authorization.



Work Environment

Can­di­dates must meet the fol­low­ing min­i­mum work envi­ron­ment require­ments: Wear Per­son­al Pro­tec­tive Equip­ment (PPE) appro­pri­ate to cur­rent or dai­ly job duties. Be fit for a res­pi­ra­tor. Car­ry up to 50 pounds. Climb stairs and lad­ders on dai­ly basis. Access con­fined spaces cer­ti­fied safe for entry. Bend, twist, kneel, and reach con­stant­ly. Endure noise, fumes, dust and inclement weath­er. Work over­time and week­ends as need­ed to meet pro­duc­tion demands.


Apply Online

Upload cov­er let­ter and resume with salary require­ments here:

    First Name*

    Last Name*

    Email Address*

    Phone Num­ber*

    Are you a U.S. cit­i­zen? Please note, U.S. cit­i­zen­ship is required for this position* 



    Cov­er Letter 



    *Required fields.


    Apply by Mail

    Sub­mit cov­er let­ter and resume with salary require­ments to:

    Attn: Human Resources
    The Great Lakes Tow­ing Company
    4500 Divi­sion Avenue
    Cleve­land, OH 44102



    We offer an excel­lent ben­e­fits pack­age that includes health­care, den­tal, vision, short and long-term dis­abil­i­ty insur­ance, 401(k) prof­it shar­ing plan, vaca­tion time, sick time, and com­pa­ny paid holidays.

    Can­di­dates must be able to pass back­ground check and have E‑verify authorization.

    The Great Lakes Group is an Affir­ma­tive Action, Equal Employ­ment Oppor­tu­ni­ty Employ­er; M/F/V/D.