The Great Lakes Group


USGS R/V KIYI Rolled Out of Fabric Building

The U.S. Geo­log­i­cal Sur­vey (USGS)‘s Research Ves­sel KIYI arrived at Great Lakes Ship­yard Fall 2020 for a major repow­er and repair contract. 

The ves­sel was hauled out and dry­docked, and a major­i­ty of the work was com­plet­ed over the win­ter in the yard’s fab­ri­ca­tion building.

As the project nears com­ple­tion, the KIYI was rolled out of the fab­ri­ca­tion build­ing. The remain­der of the punch list items will be fin­ished out­side, include a com­plete blast and paint job.

The ves­sel will be launched in a few weeks, work will be final­ized, and the con­tract will be com­plete in mid-June.