The Great Lakes Group


The Great Lakes Towing Company Welcomes the Beginning of the 2024 Shipping Season

All hands on deck, we’re thrilled to announce the arrival of a brand new marine ship­ping sea­son on our majes­tic Great Lakes. At The Great Lakes Tow­ing Com­pa­ny, we’re gear­ing up for an excit­ing jour­ney ahead.

The Great Lakes, with their vast expanse and unpar­al­leled beau­ty, have long been the lifeblood of trans­porta­tion and com­merce. As tug­boat oper­a­tors, we take immense pride in nav­i­gat­ing these his­toric waters, con­nect­ing com­mu­ni­ties, and facil­i­tat­ing trade year after year. With each new sea­son comes a renewed sense of antic­i­pa­tion and excite­ment. It’s a time when the lakes come alive with the hus­tle and bus­tle of mar­itime activ­i­ty, as car­go ships, freighters, and ves­sels of all shapes and sizes set sail on their voy­ages. And this year, 2024 promis­es to be no different.

As we pre­pare our fleet and crew for the chal­lenges and adven­tures that lie ahead, we’re also filled with opti­mism for what the sea­son will bring. From the bustling metrop­o­lis of Chica­go to the scenic ore-filled shores of Duluth, and from the many flow­ing har­bors of Ohio to the windy gales of Stur­geon Bay, our tug­boats will be at the heart of it, ensur­ing safe pas­sage for ships, crew, and car­go alike.

For 125 years and count­ing, we have been proud to be part of the tra­di­tion of mar­itime excel­lence and cama­raderie, and it’s not just about busi­ness for us. It’s about work­ing togeth­er with our part­ners and col­leagues to over­come obsta­cles and seize oppor­tu­ni­ties, pro­tect­ing our waters, shores, and our future. And above all, it’s about embrac­ing the spir­it of adven­ture that defines life on these Great Lakes.

So, as the first rays of spring sun­shine dance upon the water and the sound of seag­ulls and geese return­ing home fills the air, join us in rais­ing a toast to the start of a new ship­ping sea­son. Togeth­er, let’s embark on a jour­ney filled with excite­ment, dis­cov­ery, and end­less possibilities.

Fair winds and fol­low­ing seas,

Zach Dolph

Ship­yard Controller

The Great Lakes Tow­ing Company