The Great Lakes Group


Meet Katri Heitman, Engineering Intern

Katri Heitman, Webb Institute Intern


• Age: 22
• Home­town: Ply­mouth, Michigan
• Res­i­dence: Cur­rent­ly, Cleve­land, Ohio; when at school, Glen Cove, New York
• Hob­bies: explor­ing Cleve­land’s awe­some food options and area parks
• Expe­ri­ence in the Mar­itime Indus­try: 4 years
• Pas­sion for Mar­itime: “I grew up spend­ing sum­mers sail­ing on the Great Lakes and haven’t been able to get the fresh water out of my blood.”


Aca­d­e­m­ic Insti­tu­tion: Webb Insti­tute
Degree: Senior, grad­u­at­ing in June 2019 with a Bach­e­lor of Sci­ence in Naval Archi­tec­ture and Marine Engineering


Com­pa­ny: Great Lakes Shipyard
Title: Engi­neer­ing Intern
Tenure: Jan­u­ary-Feb­ru­ary 2018, June 2018 — Present

Com­pa­ny: Netsco
Title: Intern
Tenure: Jan­u­ary-Feb­ru­ary 2017

Com­pa­ny: Maran Gas Maritime
Title: Engine Cadet
Tenure: Jan­u­ary-Feb­ru­ary 2016

Com­pa­ny: Vig­or
Title: Intern
Tenure: Jan­u­ary-Feb­ru­ary 2015



• Mem­ber, Soci­ety of Naval Archi­tects and Marine Engi­neers (SNAME)



Katri is becom­ing a very well-round­ed engi­neer and has already estab­lished quite a depth of edu­ca­tion­al and pro­fes­sion­al expe­ri­ences.  Some of these include:

  • New Con­struc­tion
    • Riv­er Barges, Tug­boats, etc
  • Bal­last Water Treatment 
    • Fea­si­bil­i­ty Study
    • Oper­a­tional Applications
  • Repair Work
    • Win­ter Work
  • Map­ping Vessels
  • Sea time


As part of this degree pro­gram at Webb, the whole stu­dent body takes an eight week intern­ship every year to work in the indus­try.  So far, Katri has worked at a ship­yard in the Pacif­ic North­west, giv­ing her expe­ri­ence into new con­struc­tion, specif­i­cal­ly on riv­er barges.  She also acquired sea time as an engine cadet aboard an LNG tanker. She worked side by side with oper­a­tors and engi­neers, which offered her a first hand per­spec­tive into what works and does­n’t work.  Hav­ing these kinds of insights are help­ful and can be applied to future projects through­out her career.



After my first stint in Cleve­land in 2017, I fell in love with the town and was itch­ing to return. Luck­i­ly for me, not only had Webb pre­vi­ous­ly estab­lished a rela­tion­ship with Great Lakes Ship­yard for an intern­ship pro­gram, but I also met Jon Lei­vo (he’s a Web­bie too!) at a SNAME meeting.

Every day in the ship­yard, there was some­thing new and excit­ing hap­pen­ing, and Jon and Gra­ham were both very will­ing to give me projects and help me learn as much as pos­si­ble. I can hon­est­ly say that, not only has my time at GLS been the most inter­est­ing and ful­fill­ing expe­ri­ence I’ve had, it has also helped me real­ize that this is the por­tion of the indus­try that I want to be in after grad­u­a­tion. There are a mil­lion oppor­tu­ni­ties here to use the knowl­edge I have gained at Webb, and there hasn’t been a sin­gle day where I have left with­out learn­ing some­thing new. If you can’t tell, I absolute­ly love it here!”

Katri also com­ment­ed on how much she enjoys the unique­ness of the fresh water ves­sels on the Great Lakes.  From new builds to repair projects and win­ter work, “it’s such a grab bag.  In the morn­ing, I’m help­ing design the pilot house on a new con­struc­tion build for a tug.  Next thing I know, I’m draw­ing and cut­ting out lug wrench­es for anoth­er project.  It’s always some­thing different!”

After this sum­mer, Katri has one more year of school left at Webb.  Upon grad­u­a­tion, she plans to stay in the mar­itime indus­try on the Great Lakes.