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Tugboat of the Year 2013

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Art & Science

At Great Lakes Ship­yard, design, engi­neer­ing and con­struc­tion are ver­ti­cal­ly inte­grat­ed to ensure that we deliv­er top-per­form­ing ves­sels in a time­ly and cost effi­cient man­ner, cus­tomized to your spec­i­fi­ca­tions. We take the best of both worlds, the art and design of Jensen Mar­itime Con­sul­tants, Inc. and the sci­ence behind pre­ci­sion engi­neer­ing, qual­i­ty crafts­man­ship and relent­less pur­suit for per­fec­tion. This bal­ance of art and sci­ence cre­at­ed the per­fect envi­ron­ment for the design and devel­op­ment of the “Tug­boat of the Year” – Great Lakes Ship­yard Jensen Series 92, a high­ly maneu­ver­able, durable and high-per­for­mance tug.

Engineering Excellence

Our team of engi­neers is pas­sion­ate about design­ing and devel­op­ing ves­sels that exceed your expec­ta­tions. Under­stand­ing what your needs and wants are is para­mount to us. This is why we meet with you and your team to under­stand your appli­ca­tion and deter­mine what your desired spec­i­fi­ca­tions are, so we can build a cus­tomized ves­sel specif­i­cal­ly for your ser­vice needs.


Features & Specifications

Fea­ture Spec­i­fi­ca­tions Notes
Length Mold­ed 92’-0” N/A
Beam Mold­ed 38’-0” N/A
Hull Depth 16’-9” Above Rab­bet Line
Max­i­mum. Approx.
Max­i­mum Draft 18′-2–13/16″ Above Base­line and Oper­a­tional Draft
Air Draft — Mast Up 44′ ‑9″ N/A
Air Draft — Mast Down 33′ ‑9″ N/A
Light­ship 453.81 Long Tons Exact
Max­i­mum Speed 12.7 Knots
Cruis­ing Speed 10 Knots Esti­mat­ed
Diesel Fuel Capacity 38,325 Gal­lons Approx. @ 95% Volume
Water Bal­last Capacity  6,340 Gal­lons Approx. @ 100% Volume
Potable Water storage 2,500 Gal­lons Approx. @ 100% Volume
Lube Oil Storage 500 Gal­lons Approx. @ 95% Volume
Hydraulic Oil – Storage 500 Gal­lons Approx. @ 95% Volume
Waste Oil Capacity 500 Gal­lons Approx. @ 95% Volume
Sewage Hold­ing Tank 3,100 Gal­lons Approx. @ 100% Volume
Engines (2) Cater­pil­lar C280‑6 CS Rat­ing: 2,320 BHP @ 900 RPM, Tier 2 (4,640 BHP Total)
Z‑Drive (2) Rolls Royce, US 205 FP, NiAl-Bronze Prop, 2,300 mm Diameter N/A
Bol­lard Pull 55 Met­ric Tons Per Rolls-Royce and ABS verified
Fire Fight­ing FFV1, 2 x 5,200 GPM Monitors With 1,500 Gal­lon Foam Stor­age Capacity
Accom­mo­da­tions 6 Berths in 4 Staterooms N/A
U.S. Reg­u­la­to­ry Tonnage 173 Tons N/A
ITC Ton­nage 341 Tons N/A

Tugboat of the Year

Thoughtful Design

How did we cre­ate the Tug­boat of the Year? By build­ing a trac­tor tug that is as agile and durable as it is pow­er­ful and tech­no­log­i­cal­ly advanced. By bench­mark­ing the world’s best work­boats and aim­ing even higher.

Every fea­ture of the Great Lakes Ship­yard Jensen Series 92 ASD Trac­tor Tug is thought­ful­ly designed to pro­vide your crew with best-in-class per­for­mance and capa­bil­i­ties, with added con­fi­dence and maneu­ver­abil­i­ty, to meet any ship assist or escort requirements.



Fire Fighting


Deck Equipment


Electronics & Navigation


Repair of the Year 2013

Ryba Marine Tug KATHY LYNN at Shipyard for Drydocking and Repairs

New Cutting Machine Commissioned at Shipyard

Miller’s Ferry, SOUTH BASS, at Shipyard for a “Shave and a Haircut”

US Brig NIAGARA in for Drydocking and Repairs

GOODTIME III at Great Lakes Shipyard for Drydocking and Repairs