The Great Lakes Group


Marine Traffic and Operations Assistant

Marine Traffic & Operations Assistant

The Marine Traf­fic & Oper­a­tions Assis­tant is respon­si­ble for effi­cient­ly dis­patch­ing tow­ing ves­sels with the appro­pri­ate crew, ensur­ing time­ly oper­a­tions that align with cus­tomer requirements.

Post­ed: Feb­ru­ary 2025

Com­pa­ny: The Great Lakes Tow­ing Company

Expe­ri­ence: 1–2 years

Job Func­tion: Oper­a­tions

Edu­ca­tion: High School Diplo­ma or Equiv­a­lent (Some Col­lege Preferred)

Job Type: Full-Time

Shift: Rotat­ing 12-hour shifts, includ­ing evenings & weekends

Loca­tion: Cor­po­rate Office, Cleve­land, Ohio

Oper­a­tions Cen­ter Responsibilities

  • Sched­ule and coor­di­nate work­flow based on cus­tomer orders, pri­or­i­tiz­ing tasks based on per­son­nel, equip­ment, and resource availability.
  • Ensure all tug­boats are prop­er­ly crewed and operated.
  • Devel­op and mon­i­tor pro­ce­dures to track com­pa­ny and crew activities.
  • Main­tain the Dai­ly Tow­ing Forecast.
  • Main­tain Dai­ly Log entries in a pro­fes­sion­al and com­plete manner.
  • Mon­i­tor and track Great Lakes car­go ves­sel traffic.
  • Com­mu­ni­cate with cus­tomers and agents regard­ing ves­sel sched­ul­ing and operations.
  • Pre­pare and dis­trib­ute week­ly forecasts.
  • Exe­cute work rules for tug crews per their respec­tive labor agreements.
  • Coor­di­nate manda­to­ry chem­i­cal test­ing as required.
  • Noti­fy des­ig­nat­ed per­son­nel of sig­nif­i­cant oper­a­tional events.
  • Assist spe­cial projects as assigned by the supervisor.

Oper­a­tions Depart­ment Responsibilities

  • Over­see dai­ly super­vi­sion and oper­a­tions of the com­pa­ny’s tug fleet, includ­ing union rela­tions, per­son­nel track­ing, hir­ing, and training.
  • Respond to com­pa­ny-relat­ed issues and emer­gen­cies on a 24-hour basis
  • Man­age crew assign­ments for tug main­te­nance and tow­ing operations.
  • Pro­vide excel­lent ser­vice to com­pa­ny customers.
  • Iden­ti­fy and sup­port new busi­ness opportunities.
  • Assist the Safe­ty Depart­ment with admin­is­tra­tive tasks.
  • Con­tin­ue devel­op­ing and imple­ment­ing com­pa­ny poli­cies and procedures.

Required Skills & Abilities

  • Pro­fi­cien­cy in Microsoft Office Suite and inter­net-based networking.
  • Knowl­edge of local and fed­er­al reg­u­la­tions rel­e­vant to the tug­boat and tow­ing industry.
  • Gen­er­al under­stand­ing of tug main­te­nance sys­tems and equipment.
  • Strong inter­per­son­al skills, demon­strat­ing cour­tesy, tact, and good judgment.
  • Abil­i­ty to main­tain con­fi­den­tial­i­ty of sen­si­tive information.
  • Capa­bil­i­ty to exe­cute com­plex oral and writ­ten instruc­tions accurately.
  • Abil­i­ty to work inde­pen­dent­ly with min­i­mal supervision.

Additional Requirements

  • Must be able to work a 12-hour rotat­ing shift, includ­ing evenings, week­ends, and holidays.

Performance Metrics

  • Safe and effi­cient tug­boat operations.
  • Effec­tive uti­liza­tion of com­pa­ny assets.
  • High lev­els of cus­tomer satisfaction.
  • Pos­i­tive employ­ee feed­back regard­ing sched­ul­ing, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and work­place environment.
  • Accu­ra­cy and com­plete­ness of doc­u­men­ta­tion and reports.

The Great Lakes Tow­ing Com­pa­ny is an equal employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ty employ­er and does not dis­crim­i­nate on the basis of race, col­or, reli­gion, sex, sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion, gen­der iden­ti­ty, nation­al ori­gin, dis­abil­i­ty, age, or vet­er­an sta­tus, or any oth­er legal­ly pro­tect­ed char­ac­ter­is­tics with respect to employ­ment opportunities.