The Great Lakes Group


Project Engineer — Shipyard


The Great Lakes Tow­ing Company/Great Lakes Ship­yard is seek­ing an on-site Project Engi­neer for its Ship­yard locat­ed in Cleve­land, Ohio. This posi­tion is an excel­lent career and pro­mo­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ty for some­one with a marine engi­neer­ing or design expe­ri­ence or edu­ca­tion­al background.

General Requirements

  • The Project Engi­neer reports to the VP of Engi­neer­ing and works with oth­er project man­age­ment per­son­nel as nec­es­sary to take a lead­ing role in the per­for­mance of any pro­duc­tion sup­port func­tions, includ­ing ves­sel design and marine engi­neer­ing. Addi­tion­al respon­si­bil­i­ties involve esti­mat­ing, plan­ning, sched­ul­ing, logis­tics, safe­ty, pur­chas­ing, mate­r­i­al con­trols, inter­pre­ta­tion of draw­ings and specs, change orders, and more. This posi­tion involves solv­ing prob­lems and help­ing to ensure that projects are com­plet­ed in a qual­i­ty man­ner, in accor­dance with con­tract spec­i­fi­ca­tions, on time, and with­in budget.
  • The Project Engi­neer is respon­si­ble for pro­vid­ing engi­neer­ing sup­port, as direct­ed, for the devel­op­ment of esti­mates, progress mon­i­tor­ing and track­ing, and bud­get adher­ence for all con­struc­tion and main­te­nance & repair projects, gov­ern­ment & com­mer­cial con­tracts, and rou­tine fleet engi­neer­ing pro­grams or such oth­er projects as assigned.
  • Addi­tion­al respon­si­bil­i­ties include mul­ti­ple and var­ied engi­neer­ing-relat­ed assign­ments, as direct­ed. Assign­ments may require trav­el or super­vi­sion of work aboard tugs or oth­er ves­sels. How­ev­er, the posi­tion is shore­side and based in Cleve­land, Ohio.
  • Com­put­er-based engi­neer­ing duties include the use of Microsoft Office Suite, Auto­CAD, Rhi­no 3D, and GHS. Addi­tion­al­ly, uti­liza­tion of Ship­Con­struc­tor and the Company’s job cost and pur­chas­ing soft­ware sys­tem, after com­ple­tion of the train­ing pro­vid­ed, is required.
  • The Project Engi­neer must main­tain a work­ing knowl­edge of USCG Reg­u­la­tions and ABS Rules, and work with the USCG Inspec­tors, ABS Sur­vey­ors, and oth­ers as required to meet all clas­si­fi­ca­tion, qual­i­ty, safe­ty, and reg­u­la­to­ry requirements.
  • Must have a back­ground in marine engi­neer­ing or marine design.

Physical Requirements/Work Environment

  • Wear per­son­al pro­tec­tive equip­ment (PPE) appro­pri­ate to dai­ly job duties;
  • Car­ry up to 50 pounds;
  • Repet­i­tive climb­ing stairs and ladders;
  • Repet­i­tive bend­ing, twist­ing, kneel­ing, and reaching;
  • Stand con­stant­ly;
  • Expo­sure to loud noise daily;
  • Access con­fined spaces;
  • Work out­doors year-round.

The Great Lakes Tow­ing Com­pa­ny is an equal employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ty employ­er and does not dis­crim­i­nate on the basis of race, col­or, reli­gion, sex, sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion, gen­der iden­ti­ty, nation­al ori­gin, dis­abil­i­ty, age, or vet­er­an sta­tus, or any oth­er legal­ly pro­tect­ed char­ac­ter­is­tics with respect to employ­ment opportunities